Dear Visa Officer:
I, (full name and passport number), am the father (or mother) of: 我,(全名和护照号),是以下申请人的父亲(或母亲): Full name 全名: _______________________ Passport number 护照号: _________________ Date of Birth 生日: _____________________
I am writing to give consent for my child to travel with below accompanying adult(s)/unaccompanied to go to the UK to participate in a summer/winter school programme organized by name of UK school or UK agent. I confirm that I am willing to cover all financial costs towards the visit and have sufficient funds available to do so. Furthermore, I agree for name of UK school or UK agent to be responsible for our child’s accommodation, travel, care and reception in the UK. 我同意我的孩子由以下随行成人陪同/单独前往英国参加由英国学校或英国中介的名称提供的夏/冬令营项目。我确认我愿意并有足够资金承担该夏/冬令营相关所有费用。此外,我同意由英国学校或英国中介的名称负责我孩子在英国的住宿、出行、照顾和接待。
Full name全名: _____________________ Passport number护照号: ________________; Full Name 全名: _____________________; Passport number 护照号: _______________
Date 日期: _________________ Signature 签名: __________________
· Please specify if the group is travelling with accompanying adult(s) or unaccompanied based on the actual arrangement. 请根据实际情况说明团队有陪同成人,或单独赴英。
· You can provide up to 2 accompanying adults. 最多可以提供2位随行成人。